In May of this year, I won an instagram competition with Lucy in the Sky (my instagram name is perksofbeinglucyrose if you're interested). You had to upload a photo of yourself in your favourite outfit purchased from Lucy in the Sky, and of course, being as over-the-top as I possibly could be, I uploaded 26 different photos, all in different Lucy in the Sky outfits. I've never won anything in my life, but I think I kind of blindsided my opponents with this one. So yeah, I ended up winning a $500 voucher for Lucy in the Sky and it was absolutely amazing.
They stock brands such as Mika & Gala, Paradisco, Angel Biba and occasionally have their own branded items, too.
So without further ado,
Pros of shopping at Lucy in the Sky:
- FREE EXPRESS SHIPPING... need I say more?
- Around 15 or so new items become available every day at 5pm AEST
- Very reasonable prices - ranging between $19 - $100... most of the dresses are usually $49 and I usually find the exact same dress on other retailing websites for a good $10 more
- Heaps of stock to choose from... dresses, shoes, pants, shorts, tops, bodysuits, jewellery, bags etc etc
- Very frequent competitions via facebook and instagram
- The sizing is perfect. Everything I've ever bought has fit me perfectly.
- They only stock sizes 6-12
- Things go out of stock very very quickly. Like, insanely quick. Which is why I always try to get on there at exactly 5pm when new things are put up, because you'll usually find that they're sold out by the next morning. They do restock certain things, but a lot doesn't get restocked and so you will miss out if you're not quick.
or their instagram page: lucyintheskystore
I've added some photos of my favourite items I've purchased from Lucy in the Sky store over the past year... unfortunately none of these items are still in stock on their website, however, if you're really interested in anything, leave a comment and I'll give you the brand name and you might be able to find it elsewhere. Also, as you can probably see, I've only added photos of dresses... I pretty much only own dresses because they're so easy to wear and can easily be dressed up or down and yeah, I live in/for dresses.
Anyway, I definitely recommend checking them out. I'll forever be one of their biggest fans.