Sunday, 20 October 2013

A Short and Poorly-Written Introduction

I've wanted to start a blog for awhile, but I am equal parts lazy and forgetful, and so after a good six months or so of procrastination, I've decided to start this thing up.
   So... where to begin? I've recently turned 21, and now I feel as though I'm trapped in some sort of strange purgatory. I'm no longer a kid (or even a teen, for that matter), and so it's no longer acceptable for me to behave like one... yet I'm not really an adult yet, either. I'm not 35 with a proper career and children and a mortgage... hell, I hardly even know what a mortgage is. So for now, I'm trying to enjoy my purgatory. I like books and reading - I always have and I always will. It's actually becoming a problem, I think. I get so caught up in a book that I manage to forget that I'm a functioning human being and I need to eat and go to the toilet and sleep and things. My reading-addiction has manifested to the point where one time, I spent 3 days locked away in my bedroom, only occasionally emerging for food and water.
  I also like pretty clothes. I like pretty clothes a lot. I like pretty clothes to the point where sometimes my days revolve around perusing the internet for new pretty clothes until I go cross-eyed.
  "Shopaholic" is an understatement.
I also like traveling and exploring and going new places and trying new things. I spend half my life quoting the motto, I'll try anything once! and the other half of my life either wishing I hadn't tried something once, or wanting to try something over and over.
  I am either obsessed with something, or completely disinterested. There is no in between.

Anyway, this will mainly be a fashion and clothes related blog. I'll be posting things I've recently purchased and writing reviews on them. There will probably be the occasional rant or random post, too.

So, au revoir, mes amis, and hopefully I'll post something soon again and not become completely disinterested in this blog... I make no promises, though.

Lucy Rose. 

1 comment:

  1. As you can see, there are many methods of advertising and each of them works well. When you start a shop like this, you will learn how to shop online so that you can teach your child to do the same thing when they are older.
